Join Ecovillagers
1. Jump into the learning.

Ecovillagers membership is open to all who come willing to learn and help others. The first step is easy. Join a webinar!
Ecovillagers webinars are online presentations and discussions held monthly beginning January 24, 2018. They last a total of one hour and anyone with access to a phone and a computer can join here.
Cooperation succeeds on the strength of our learning together!
2. Support our volunteers.

Why don’t we have ecovillage investment co-ops already? Getting one started is a lot of work! And it’s in no corporation’s interest. So we built a charitable nonprofit to take on the educational, legal, and organizational midwifing.
Ecovillagers Alliance is run by volunteers, so over 90% of all donations go directly to education, legal preparation, media production, and measures to ensure a diverse leadership and inclusive membership. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

3. Become a volunteer.
Got an hour to pitch in? Got ten? Ecovillagers needs all hands and all abilities.
Tell us what you can volunteer and we’ll tell you how to become part of the Ecovillagers Alliance.
Got 45 minutes to spare right now? You can easily make your own campaign page, post it to your social media, and send the link to friends or family or anyone who’d appreciate this effort and want to support it.
Only got 5 minutes to spare? Use this form to refer new Ecovillagers supporters and another volunteer will reach out to ask if they think Ecovillagers sounds exciting.