Ecovillagers Values
We want to live in equitable, sustainable, conscious communities.
We want to live in communities built on caring relationships and the right use of power.
Ecovillagers Cooperative and Ecovillagers Alliance are grounded in an equitable economy and sustainable ecology, and in grassroots democracy as the means to both. We believe that shared prosperity, stewardship, and care for one another are the only means through which we can achieve health as individuals and as members of our communities and environment.
We believe there are no environmental problems, but social problems with environmental consequences. We believe a cooperative means of neighborhood property stewardship can heal social and ecological fabric. We believe it has to.
Check out the Ecovillagers Statement on Gentrification.
Equitable Economy
☀ Cooperative capital investment
☀ Shared-equity ownership of neighborhoods
☀ Hybridized renter-ownership
☀ Community enterprise, democratic workplaces
☀ Network-provided technical support
Sustainable Ecology
☀ Building preservation & adaptive re-use
☀ Permaculture planning and design
☀ Right-sized private homes
☀ Generous shared commons (“cohousing”)
☀ Virtuous circles of food, waste, water, & power
Grassroots Democracy
☀ One owner, one vote
☀ Local decisions, local decision-makers
☀ Sociocracy process
☀ Non-violence & non-exploitation
☀ Education & training for all member-owners